July - August 2008
Year after I graduated in the University I was so uncertain of where am I to work or find a job. Its not easy to have a job living in a third world country much more if your a fresh graduate because all of the company are looking for experienced in your field. Its like a feel of hopeless and no direction. Fortunate enough I was so active and involved in participating various youth ministries and advocacy in church and the wider community.

Youth for Children program is an international program that focus on children and the community they belong. Its main purpose is to educate and help children in the oppressed and marginalized areas in the country. Its the main reason why the Philippines was chosen as the venue.To be specific it's in the Smokey Mountain, Tondo, Manila.
The program design was teaching the children, feeding, exposure to the area and lastly giving a playground equipment to the children inside the Smokey Mountain. At first we are tasked to create and design teaching and learning module for the children, of course with assistance of Academe expert Ate Beth.
First week, we are so busy making learning materials and teaching modules for children.
In the photo was Uli from Germany and Sister Kokuo Shaba of Tanzania
Another busy young people from Indonesia Levy, Anne of Germany and of course my partner in the Philippines Cindy.
2nd Week of the program was the hands on part. A time were we have to teach the teaching module that we made last week. At first its not really that easy to teach children coming from this environment. But because we are guided and motivated by Jesus Christ and inspired by the theme which was " Bring God's Message of HOPE and LOVE to CHILDREN" no turning back.
Children from the Smokey Mountain are much eager to learn. They love to hold pencils and love to colors too. They love to listen Bible stories. They need attention and care.
Children from Smokey Mountain love to climb and play each one of us. Even though they have this fishy smell and not that so neat in terms of dress. Perhaps, its love and compassion that drives us to them.
Thanks to UCCP, Tondo for letting us used its classroom. Children experienced a classroom setting learning.
On the Third week, We visited the area.
Pastor Rannieh introduced us to their head of the village and I had some talked with the people an I was shocked that knowing they are all came from different provinces in the country.
They just come to Manila looking for greener pasture because they have in their mind that their way of living will be uplift that's why they come to Manila and ended up living in the landfill miserably. Surrounded by huge mountain of garbages.
The area were we are about to donate a Children's Playground inside the dumpsite.
The very optimistic and dynamic youth around the globe preparing the Children's playground to be delivered soon..
Uli from Germany cleaning the rust steel ready for painting.
Almost done.
Festive turn-over ceremony of the Children's Playground inside the Smokey Mountain with balloons and foods. .
We had a short program. That's Pastor Rannieh Mercado on his message of bringing God's message of HOPE and LOVE to this community.
We rendered a special number for the children. An action song with different language version.
So funny thing yet cool. amidst differences we can make difference.
and another group who gives color and life to the ceremony are friends from Korea.
and to end the ceremony with inspiring thought its our Bishop Pascua, the General Secretary of the UCCP.
After the ceremony the most awaited part. THE EATING TIME.
The contented smile of children inspire us all to work hand in hand.
Before leaving we had our group picture with the children. Our very treasured souvenir.
My first ever made tarp graphic art.
Before the Youth for Children program end. We went to another exposure and a break.
Pastor Rannieh announces that we will be going to Puerto Gallera, Mindoro a white beach island.
Here we go at the Batangas Port terminal.
Were coming!!!!!!!!
Island life after the Smokey Mountain life.
We arrived Puerto Gallera.
The stunning white beach of Tamaraw Beach Resort
The Tamaraw Beach Resort. Located within Barangay Aninuan in Puerto Galera, a three-star hotel that is just a stone throw away from the other known White Beach.
A tropical stunning view of the beach in front of me.
Seems all of us are hungry already. We had late lunch for this. The food was good and tasteful.
Selfie at the dive shop reception area.
Exploring the nearby area. Took photo assuming the mountain at the back was Mt. Halcon but later I know its' not. -)
Fine White sand beach and huge rock formation beside me that makes the photo just perfect for me.
Late in the afternoon we stroll along the sea shore to discover more on what Puerto Galera could offer. They had variety of hotel accommodation from cheapest to highly cost hotel. Just beside the sea shore are the line of souvenir shops and bar for you to relax and unwind and have some good acquaintance with fellow guest in the island.
Relaxing under the shade of nipa hut with its cool and refreshing breeze of the blue sea paired with white sand that makes the moment great..
Me and my friend Uli of Germany.
Treasured moments, experiencing Gods creation, appreciating not destroying it as stewards of His creation.
Before the day end, I pose for while, had some quiet time for reflection, Thanking Him for all the opportunities and learning experience that I learned that opened my eyes to the realities during the whole program.
I realized in my own simple little way I did it! I just brought Gods message of Hope and Love to His little children in the Smokey Mountain. Thank You Chrisitian Youth Fellowship (CYF), Thank You UEM and thank you to all the people who in one way or another have been instrumental to this awesome learning experience.
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